Will Tea Tree Oil Kill Scalp Fungus (Dandruff and Ringworm)?

Tea tree oil is an amazing essential oil. It has numerous benefits for the hair and scalp. Because it has antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents, it’s able to cure itchy scalp, dry scalp, stubborn dandruff, and ringworm.

Some people avoid wearing dark clothing because the flaking is so severe. However, relief is possible when using tea tree oil treatments. Since tea tree oil is an essential oil, it is potent. One key point to remember is that it should be diluted.

Take note not to apply it directly as it will irritate the scalp. It’s too powerful to apply to the skin without adequately preparing it. It only takes a few drops to be effective and it’s completely natural.

Why do people use tea tree oil anyway? Again, the uses are many, but mainly, it’s used on the skin, scalp, and hair. Tea tree oil comes from a plant (Melaleuca alternifolia) originating from Australia. It’s known to treat most scalp conditions, repairing and restoring damaged tresses.

Table of Contents:

Scalp Conditions That Can Be Treated with Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil removes warts and it’s suitable for removing acne scars, but will it heal dry scalp? Will tea tree oil kill scalp fungus? Keep scrolling to find out the answers to these questions.

Dry Scalp

Typically, people confuse dandruff with dry scalp. The difference is dandruff happens because of excessive oil on the scalp. Dry scalp often occurs when there isn’t much oil on the scalp. Use tea tree oil to add moisture, remove sebum clogs, and stop itchy scalp.

Itchy Scalp

Everyone knows an itchy scalp can be a pain. People stare while the person scratches, sometimes they scratch like there’s no tomorrow. In other words, it can get to be pretty awful.  Use tea tree oil to treat an itchy scalp. Redness fades along with the scalp irritation.    

Fungus on Scalp

If suspicions warrant a doctor’s visit, make the appointment. The physician will need to confirm the fungus by obtaining a sample of the hair or skin. The sample is sent to the lab where the technicians will determine the specimen as a fungal infection or something else.

The trouble with scalp fungus (tinea capitis) is that it can turn into ringworm as well as other (fungal) conditions. The good news is tea tree oil gets rid of them. Use it correctly, and they will go away.

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Scalp Fungus

  • Get a bottle and fill it with jojoba oil, olive oil, almond or coconut oils so ¾ of the container is filled with the oil.
  • To that, add 15 drops of the tree oil, secure top and shake to mix the ingredients well.
  • Saturate and massage the mixture into the scalp with the fingertips.
  • Leave in overnight and wash the hair first thing the next morning with a mild shampoo.

Take the tea tree oil (diluted) and massage over entire head or scalp. Stimulate well to loosen dirt, dead skin cells, and flakes from dandruff.  Leave in for about 30 minutes or so and shampoo the hair. Be careful not to use shampoos containing sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). It will irritate the scalp.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is, in simple terms, the substance that makes shampoos lather. It’s why most toothpaste brands do what they do… bubble up.  It’s cheap and the word is sulfate is not good for the skin, but it’s so powerful it will clean engine grease off a person’s hands.

There has been some concern over sulfate, but as luck would have it, tea tree oil will irritate the scalp so be sure to follow the directions and dilute the oil before using it. But since the user must cut or weaken the tree oil, will it work on scalp fungus?

Can You Get Fungus on Your Scalp?

Ringworm is such a funny name. Most people think it has something to do with worms, but it isn’t. It’s only called a ringworm because it looks like rings or inflamed circles on a person. The edges surrounding the ring are primarily red, itchy, and sore. Sometimes, they also blister.

Anyone can get ringworm, but generally, children get them more than adults. They pop up almost anywhere but especially the scalp or where hair is likely to be. Unfortunately, they can get underneath a man’s beard, eyelashes and eyebrows. Jock itch is caused by a fungus, and so is athlete’s foot.

There’s a big difference between fungus on the body and scalp fungus. Treatments for scalp fungus are different from treating the body. The one common feature of the fungus is they are both highly contagious. While infected with fungus on your scalp, don’t wear another person’s hat, wig or extensions. Infecting someone with ringworm is a real possibility. Not only that, but they could re-infect themselves.

Are Scalp Fungal Infections Contagious?

Own a pet? Anyone can get ringworm from a dog or cat, and yes, it’s called a scalp fungus. Just by touching an animal with ringworm, a person can get ringworm and transfer it on to another person. Check to see if the pet has a bald spot. It could be an indicator the pet is infected.

Keep in mind all of the risks associated with an infected animal. But at the same time, remember the likely way to get ringworm is from another person. Surprisingly, ringworm can survive a long time in combs, hair brushes, scarves or hats before they are even noticed.

Of course, no one should let another person borrow personal care items. In fact, the best advice is to throw them out, start with a fresh hat or brush and not to let anyone use personal accessories like these. Everything that looks healthy isn’t.

How Do You Know if You Have Ringworm?

Most people get itchy patches on their scalp at first.  Then, their hair comes out or breaks off. Afterwards, the ringworm is left exposed. See red patches, scaly, bald spots?

Ringworm is likely to be present if the following apply:

  • The hair becomes brittle
  • Lymph nodes are swollen
  • Scalp is painful to touch
  • Small fever

If not treated, the ringworm could spread to other parts of the body, including the face. In some cases, it can lead to permanent scarring and bald spots. It’s entirely possible the infected person may not even know they are carrying ringworm.

Not to mention, some people just carry the fungi and never experience it themselves. The way to avoid scalp fungus or ringworm is to not get into situations in which it’s easy to catch. It’s not uncommon to have an outbreak at school or within the household.

In worse case scenarios, the scalp infection, which is often confused with psoriasis, will escalate to being painful and tender boils.  The ringworm swells and eventually will start to ooze out. This is why a clean scalp is a must. It’s important to keep it clean to prevent too much moisture.

Does Tea Tree Oil Work for Hair Loss Due to a Fungal Condition?

Yes, tea tree oil is a plus to have around if trying to grow or regrow hair. Use a tea treatment especially for growing and strengthening the hair.

  • Infuse ample amount of pure Aloe vera gel with about 25 drops of the tree oil to a bottle or bowl and mix together
  • Part hair and apply to scalp
  • Wait approximately half hour before washing out
  • Repeat bi-weekly

Can you get fungus on your scalp?

What Causes Fungal Scalp Infections?

Dandruff is an irritation, would anyone agree? Goodness knows what conditions are confused with fungus. It’s been mistaken for dry scalp and all sorts of scalp conditions.

Some people believe that over washing the hair causes dandruff, however, that’s not really how it happens. Blame the cause of dandruff on a fungus.  Malassezia globosa, to be exact.

The fungus preys on an oily scalp, and the scalp will start to shed in flakes. This usually happens due to the fungus use lipases, a kind of enzyme, to metabolize oil. Which, as a result, makes oleic acid and this causes skin cells to shed.

What to Do if Diagnosed with Ringworm?

Someone can get tinea through contact with public showers or any place like the gym that holds moisture. Tinea is a fungus that’s responsible for tinea infections, ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot.  Having confirmation will put a few people’s minds at rest.

As a parent, worrying about a child coming home with a ringworm infection is a normal process. Check for fungus often and seek help if there are signs of hair loss. It happens in the best of homes, no matter how clean.

Throw out all belongings that came in contact with that person during the time of infection.

All it takes is a touch from someone who has it to transfer it to other people. If throwing them out is not an option, try disinfecting hard items with Lysol or bleach products.

For the people who are overly germ conscious, it wouldn’t hurt to do both. Avoid towel sharing and don’t leave them laying around.  Wash them frequently. If the infection came from a pet, please, take the pet to see a professional get him treated.

Apply tea tree oil to the skin or scalp to get rid of fungal infections. The oil is excellent for acne, tinea pedis or athlete’s foot, head lice and ringworm among a host of other conditions. It works because of the chemicals in tea tree oil destroy the fungi and bacteria even when diluted.

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