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Can Having Long Hair Cause Dandruff?

Dandruff can affect anyone, but some believe having long hair causes dandruff. It doesn’t matter if your hair is long, medium length or short, dandruff can be problematic. With this said, however, when the hair is long, the harder it is to treat and deep parts make the flakes more visible.

Short haircuts or hairstyles create the illusion of fuller hair. Styles without any parts hide the fact there could be dandruff present. But that conceals the problem, which is why people think that they’re less at risk of dandruff when their hair is shorter.

People who have eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems are most likely to have dandruff scales. Cold conditions and hot air also affects these scalp conditions. It causes the skin to flake and to dry.

Table of Contents:

Short Hair vs. Long Hair

People with long hair need more of everything like anti-dandruff shampoos, mousses, and gels. Therefore they are more susceptible to product buildup. People with short hair have more direct contact with holding sprays and things of this nature because their hair is shorter.

In other words, the roots are more readily exposed to the elements than long hair. You can see the oily flakes. For this, you want to use a dry shampoo when you can’t wash as you normally would. Dry shampoos keep the hair and scalp clean, but it’s easier for short hair.

Researchers know a scalp that’s irritated will do more damage to the hair than a healthy scalp. Scratching will damage the scalp even more.  African-American hair is different from others meaning it’s drier. Dry hair and split ends are common among those with dandruff.

Hair that has split ends break more easily. And although your hair will grow, it won’t be healthy. Wearing weaves and braided hair will reduce tension but increase dryness. To relieve yourself, you should add moisture. A little oil and conditioner will soothe your scalp.

Who Says Thick Hair Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff in thick hair is hard to get rid of. Why? It’s because your scalp is hard to reach. It’s difficult, but not impossible. Read on to get the scoop.

  1. Section your hair into four parts. Comb through but be careful to get all the kinks out. Use a wide tooth comb. Shake your hair so that you’ll loosen the flakes.
  2. Choose a leading shampoo, such as Nizoral A-D anti-dandruff shampoo. Make sure it’s safe to use every day. There are plenty in the marketplace, but the best ones contain an ingredient called selenium sulfide or zinc pyrithione. They help to reduce skin cell growth on the scalp. Because of this, you’ll be able to see an improvement within a few weeks of use. Make sure you get enough of the shampoo to make a heavy lather on your hair especially if it’s thick.
  3. Apply a matching conditioner if you aren’t using a combo shampoo and conditioner brand. The conditioner is supposed to moisturize your hair, preventing it from becoming brittle. The best conditioner also contains sunscreen and vitamin E.
  4. Apply some aloe vera or vitamin E to your scalp and hair. You should leave it in overnight and wash it out the next day. Before you wash it with shampoo, rinse it out. By applying the oil or aloe vera at night, you’re giving dandruff a chance to break loose.

What is Thick Dandruff on Scalp?

A lot of adults have been dealing with dandruff since childhood. Sometimes, it seems to come back thicker than ever. Dandruff doesn’t go away even with regular shampooing and treatments.

What is this thick dandruff called and how do you make it go away? The experts say it could be Malassezia, eczema or a case of psoriasis. Like dandruff, these conditions have no cure, but they can be treated. If the cause is psoriasis, there’s a way to deal with it.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

This condition causes your skin to be oily, and those who have seborrheic dermatitis are more likely to develop dandruff than people who don’t have it. It can affect other areas of your body like the eyebrows, the back of your ears, and on the side of your nose.

In reality, it can affect any part of your body including the armpits. Look for patches of yellow or white flaky scales, covered in oily skin. There are specific seborrheic dermatitis shampoos available.


Malassezia is a fungus that everyone has on their scalp. Normally, it doesn’t cause any problems. However, it can spread pretty fast sometimes. Malassezia feeds off the sebum that comes from the hair follicles. It can cause the scalp to become irritated and then produce more skin cells.

Of course, they die and then they fall off. They get mixed up with the natural oil on the scalp and hair. You may notice scaly, red patches near the brows, ear, and forehead. The weird thing about this fungus is your skin may look dry, but it’s not.

See a doctor while flaking is present because sometimes, thick dandruff disappears. Is it worse when the season’s change? Are your hair and scalp hydrated? The skin on your scalp is no different from the skin on the rest of your body.

It will dry out during certain times of the year if not taken care of. The good news is that by combing through your hair before shampooing will loosen the flakes enough, so there’s barely any left when you wash your hair. Use a medicated shampoo to help get rid of the scales.

do you get more dandruff with long hair?

Have Dandruff After Cutting Hair Short?

Don’t you wish you could just cut out or wash your way to a dandruff-free scalp in one shampooing or cut? Unfortunately, dandruff is not that easy to get rid of. What’s surprising is most men say it (dandruff) happens to them when they get a haircut.

Is there a relationship between the two? Does getting a haircut cause dandruff in men and women? If there is a connection, you should stop using the brand containing suspicious ingredients. They can dry your hair or irritate the scalp.

You may want to use an organic shampoo or not shampoo at all before going to your appointment. Before you cut all of your hair, make sure your scalp is healthy. You must first resolve the root of the matter before ridding yourself of this chronic condition.

The dandruff was brought to the forefront, getting a cut doesn’t cause dandruff. In either case, use anti-dandruff shampoos or natural remedies twice a week to heal any damaged strands. See improvements? If yes, it’s time to canvas your scalp so you can get a close cut.

Can I Get a Haircut if I Have Dandruff?

It’s a common question, believe it or not, but mainly it comes from the male gender. Yes, you can! Style professionals see it all the time, so there are no worries. When you go to the salon or barber to get a cut or style, the normal protocol is to start with clean hair.

It’s typical the stylist will use their own products, and they may not be what you use at home.

This leaves the door open to question the different products and if they are the cause of dandruff. Your scalp could be having an allergic reaction to one or more of the ingredients.

Find out if your brand is compatible with the professional brand to avoid future complications.

Keep in mind conditioners with sodium laureth sulfate or petroleum make matters worse. In light of this, avoid using them.  If you’re still having problems, try an organic recipe. Ingredients like white onions, castor oil, olive oil, eggs, yogurt, and coconut oil make one of the best homemade recipes for conditioners. Apply two or three times a week for healthy hair.  Don’t forget tea tree oil, green tea and fish oil for moisture.

Surprising Factors About Dandruff

Researchers go back and forth with surveys and experiments all the time in search of the truth. What they find concludes whether an occurrence is possible and you may be surprised to learn what can contribute to dandruff. Keep reading to find out what you’re doing wrong.

  • Do you brush? Most girls were brought up to believe brushing the hair was good for it. In fact, it was said brushing would make the hair grow cause it stimulates the scalp. While this may be true, it can have other favorable results like helping to stop flaking.
  • Not taking a shower slows relief from dandruff. Shocked, again? Well, the idea makes a lot of sense. Usually, when in the shower, you would wash your hair. When you don’t take a shower, your hair doesn’t get washed enough. This aggravates the condition.

when my hair gets longer I get dandruff

Not showering enough plus the humid, dry, hot or cold weather compounds the problem.

  • When you shampoo on a regular basis, you’re controlling dandruff. Most anti-dandruff shampoos contain an anti-fungal ingredient that removes buildup and dead skin cells. This is another reason why brushing is a marvel idea.
  • Blow drying too much contributes the how much dandruff you have. In other words, it can make your current dandruff situation worse. If at all possible, always air dry your hair. It’s healthier for the scalp and strands.
  • Stay away from all the styling products you can. Gels, hairsprays, and lotions produce buildup and other hair and scalp irritations.  You can develop red patches or itchy scales on your scalp. Styling products can dry the hair, and this can trigger a bad reaction.
  • The internal elements of a person can bring specific risks. Stress is a number one factor when it comes to a healthy scalp. Worry causes chemical changes in our hormones and body. This includes a disruption to the scalp and hair by producing more oil, so don’t worry… be happy.
  • If someone you know has Parkinson’s disease, recovering from a stroke or perhaps a head injury, they are more likely to have seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff. People with weak immune systems, neurological issues or HIV may have horrible cases of seborrhea. With this said, look for psoriasis or tinea capitis or contact dermatitis in people who have inflammatory illnesses.
  • Are you taking your vitamins? You should be if you have dandruff.  An Omega 3, B12 or zinc deficiency can cause you to have dandruff.
  • There are certain foods that may be behind your dandruff problem. Food allergies are common among adults but more so in children.

Can Dandruff Grow Hair?

Dandruff is dead skin cells that happen to shed every day, and silently, they are renewed, and the process repeats itself. Often, this is the result of genetics, but mostly, it’s the consequences of your environment. It could be due to dry weather or cold temperatures.

New hair grows from the scalp, of course, and the new hair extends from the follicles, located about one-eighth of an inch below the skin’s surface. With this in mind, how could dandruff be associated with growing hair? There hasn’t been any proof to show dandruff grows hair.

Maybe you don’t know there are two kinds of dandruff. The first kind causes the scalp to become dry and flaky. The other kind causes the excessive oil to form on the scalp and as well cause it to flake. If you have short hair, there are many things to consider.

Due to these factors, the best advice is to avoid chemicals and certain styling products. Use home remedies that can prevent dandruff in short hair like letting your hair dry naturally instead of using the blow dryer. Heat is one of the elements which causes the hair to dry out.

Are You Yeast Sensitive?

Some people are highly sensitive to foods or products containing yeast. Because of this, they have a higher rate of having dandruff. Conditions get better as the seasons change to warmer climates and of course, during the cold season, dandruff gets worse.

Apparently, the sunlight helps to control the effects of yeast. The scalp dries out because of the artificial heating during the cold months and due to the cold air outside. But because the scalp is dry, people often confuse dry scalp for dandruff and vice versa.

Foods to Avoid if You Have Dandruff

Since the diet can affect the scalp, you should know what not to consume.  Keeping the scalp healthy and happy is the key to beautiful, shiny, and growing hair. If you can stop eating these three foods, you can help control your dandruff.

Foods Containing Sugar

Consuming too much sugar is not good for you. It raises the blood sugar count. Therefore, it could worsen your symptoms. The experts are saying it’s not good for the scalp either. Foods with sugar in them contribute to [(Candida) yeast and promotes growth at a rapid pace.

High consumption of sugar wipes out the good stuff in your body like vitamins and has a critical effect on the antioxidants in the body.

You can have allergies to foods like wheat or dairy products, and this will set off dandruff. To track the culprit, you can eliminate foods until you find the trigger. Start with the family history to see if there are any commonalities.

Once you suspect a particular food or ingredient, take it out of your diet temporarily. If removing it confirms the experiment, get rid out it all together.

There’s no evidence proving long hair causes dandruff.  Long hair just hides it better because the hair is long. Certain hairstyles are better at hiding flakes than others as well.

Dandruff often embarrasses a lot of people, and sadly, there’s no cure for it.  There is plenty you can do to remove it, however. A healthy scalp starts with a healthy diet and a stress-free lifestyle.

If you eat right, stay hydrated and get enough exercise, you can help to help eliminate stress in your life and get a grip on dandruff.

Copyright 2018 by DryScalpGone.

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